Monday, 19 August 2013

Silk Droplets

Finally I focused on the web itself. This proved much more difficult as the wind had picked up and I needed to capture the image at the precise moment. Of many images, this is my favourite. 

Not A Fan of Water

After I would spray the water, the spider repeatedly shook itself and wiped away the droplets from its body and legs. An action that surprised me. Here you can see it wiping a large droplet from one of its legs.

Frighteningly Beautiful

Beautifully Frightening

As scared as I am around spiders, they are one of the most beautiful creatures to capture on camera.

Water Bottle Trial

I've heard of people spraying spider webs with water to make them more noticeable. I have to say I am pleased I tried it, and I will definitely be using it more often!

Garden Play

 Came across this little chap in my garden. Attempted some lovely photo's but it proved difficult due to it being such a windy day. I'd have gotten closer if it was not for my deathly phobia of these arachnids. Of over 2 dozen images, I've narrowed them down to the most successful.