Wednesday, 21 November 2012


 As part of my photography project, we have to make greetings cards using only natural materials. Our tutor told us we could make our own natural glitter using pure maple syrup and water. I gathered some leaves from college earlier, collecting the most vibrant yellow ones I could find, and after cleaning them up a little, I've sprayed them with the mixture. I'll be leaving them over night and see how they go work out tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Life Drawing

Quick drawing with pencil of top of the skeletons torso. 10 minute drawing. Not as pleased with this as others, I think I've made it more illustrative than life drawing. It looks more like a cartoon. With more time I could define the shadowing and close in on smaller details.

Life Drawing

An Ox's heart, drawn with charcoal. Not as detailed as I'd hoped it would be, as it was a warm day and the smell of the heart was getting too much so had to be done as soon as the class could draw it.

Life Drawing

Part of the pelvic and femur bone. Drawn with charcoal, primary research from a skeleton based on the works of Da Vinci. I was very pleased with this, as charcoal is one of my stronger techniques when drawing with light and dark. 

Life Drawing

Charcoal drawing of a pigs spleen. This is one of my most detailed drawings as you can see texture in the bone and bone marrow. What I should have done to define it further was to tidy up around the edge of the drawing.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Abstract Photography - Favourite Image

This is my favourite image of all my film. I rushed to do it as I was working through lunch (I'd much prefer to have a 3 hour photography session than 2 hours as I feel we don't have enough time), and did not set the exposure long enough. I have every intention of developing an improvement of this photo, and to develop more from this particular film.
 For this particular image, I gathered as many fallen apples as I could find. When I had a few dozen, I selected one that had barely any damage, one with a little bruising, one with a little decomposition, and one that had nearly decomposed completely. I set them in a row and awaited the sun to set just enough to allow the shadowing in the decomposing apples to show depth in the apples.

Abstract Photography - Final Print Improved

I set my final print for a longer exposure, and I'm a lot happier with the outcome. Just to clarify, I blurred the focus on a muddy puddle, and I feel it is one of the most abstract things I've done through this project.

Abstract Photography - Final Print

I'm not happy with how my final print turned out. When thinking about the exposure time, I feel it should have been longer. To make certain I have the detail I want, I will also give more contrast. Putting the contrast up should improve the light and dark areas without effecting each other.

Photography - Final Print Tests

The same thing happened here as the contact sheet tests. I must remember to open the aperture before exposing. The lines where the second image gradually gets lighter shows the estimated exposure time. The darkest is at 20 seconds, counting down in 2 second bursts to 4 seconds being the lightest.

Contact Sheet Tests

These were the two tests I had done before my final contact sheet. The first contact sheet test was much too dark. I set my aperture on the exposure unit to 5.6, and the second time round it was successful. The exposure times ranged between 4 and 16 seconds, 2 seconds added per interval. I chose the time that looked right, being 8 seconds, and exposed my final contact sheet at 8 seconds.

Abstract Photography - Contact Sheet

The most successful of my films for Photography. Each image represents abstract whether it is a pattern, shape, use of tone or shadowing. Every image was closely thought about before taking, and there are some that are better than others. I've developed of a few of the images I thought to be best, and will post/write about them in the upcoming months when I have completed my photography brief.