Friday, 20 September 2013

Ol' Wool

During a visit to a museum Swansea, I came across an old wool machine. Rather than take a picture of the machine, I usedy extension tubes to focus on the small wool fibres left behind more around 10 years later. 

Monday, 19 August 2013

Silk Droplets

Finally I focused on the web itself. This proved much more difficult as the wind had picked up and I needed to capture the image at the precise moment. Of many images, this is my favourite. 

Not A Fan of Water

After I would spray the water, the spider repeatedly shook itself and wiped away the droplets from its body and legs. An action that surprised me. Here you can see it wiping a large droplet from one of its legs.

Frighteningly Beautiful

Beautifully Frightening

As scared as I am around spiders, they are one of the most beautiful creatures to capture on camera.

Water Bottle Trial

I've heard of people spraying spider webs with water to make them more noticeable. I have to say I am pleased I tried it, and I will definitely be using it more often!

Garden Play

 Came across this little chap in my garden. Attempted some lovely photo's but it proved difficult due to it being such a windy day. I'd have gotten closer if it was not for my deathly phobia of these arachnids. Of over 2 dozen images, I've narrowed them down to the most successful.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Pink Flower

I found these flowers all over the parts of the island I visited. I'm not find of pink but these were beautiful. 

Crete Coast at Dusk

What I believe to be the most beautiful image I captured during my stay in Crete.  

Resting Barn Owl

A couple of days in to the holiday, I noticed a barn owl resting in the tree right outside my hotel room. I took full advantage and captured over 30 photos trying to get the perfect image. It proved challenging trying to capture the right moment as it was a breezy day, and the leaves kept covering the subjects face. 

Wine drop petal

While still awaiting my flight, I started playing around with my extension tubes. I've taken plenty of close ups of flowers, so I wanted to add a droplet. The only liquid near enough for my sudden droplet impulse was the glass of wine. I was surprisingly pleased with this image. 

Commercial Practice

In order to get ready for my course in September I practiced some commercial photography. I aimed to create an elegant image of a glass if wine while I was waiting for our plane in the airport. I resulted in a more chilling image than I had initially intended. 

Moon and Village

Out of focus moon above a small village in Crete. This was the night of the "super moon", but I didn't have a lens powerful enough to capture the moons detail. I worked on creating this beautiful image instead. 

Dusk Coast, Stalis, Crete


Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Stencil Print Outcomes

I chose the most sophisticated of my stencils to try on the fibre based photo paper. I have two prints of each of the images above, so I have a spare to test toning techniques. Each of the prints has a brown tone to give a more a natural appearance, but I will try painting on the spares to see what other effects I can create.

Sketchbook - Final stencil prints

After a few tests, these were the outcomes of my stencil idea. Being pleased with this, I have cut more and more stencils of various creatures to try. I ordered a fibre based photo paper pack instead of the usual glossy photo paper. This will give the photos a more natural finish.

Sketchbook - Photo play stencils

I've the idea of creating stencils of different types of insects and bugs and placing them on photo paper while exposing. These pages present my testers for this technique.

Sketchbook - Painting test page

These are a couple of test paintings in practice for a triptych a plan to make from my butterflies. The test is purely to see how well I could work with a new water colour palette.

Slab Building - Dragonfly Wing Design

I enjoy slab building more than most ceramic processes, and found that a dragonfly wing would be an exciting challenge. Above is my outcome from the technique, and I'm thoroughly pleased with it. I intend to make a couple more to add to this.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

The Change

These are the latest images of the caterpillars. For this set, I focused on the change of a caterpillar to a chrysalis. The images here are my most successful.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Butterfly Release

These are the latest images I took of my butterflies upon releasing them. Three had flown away too quickly for me to capture any images, but two of them had lingered around the grassy area of my garden.
 I recently purchased more caterpillars as to improve the current work I already have.

Friday, 19 April 2013


Images of an orange produced with my new extension tubes. Thoroughly impressed with the quality.

The Natural Camera

When playing with my extension tubes I tried the ever so famous 'Close up of an Eye'. I am impressed with the detail produced.

Butterfly Studies

Another focus on the Painted Lady's coloured wing.

Butterfly Studies

Portrait of butterfly.